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[CN] 新加坡榜鹅血库 Punggol Blood Bank

[EN] Singapore Jurong East Blood Bank

It has been 3 months since last blood donation, and I get SMS from Singapore Red Cross reminding the 90-day waiting period ended. So happen this weekend @auleo in Singapore so decided to go blood donation.

Previous donation went to Orchard Road Blood Bank @Dhoby Ghaust, so this time round decided to follow a friend of mine who had donated for 25 times, to try blood donation in all 4 Singapore Blood Banks. And this time I chose Jurong East Westgate Tower as I previously saw a blood donation roadshow photo and impressed with its nice scene.

Jurong East Blood Bank located at Westgate Tower Level 10, as such donors need to register themselves first at security before they proceed to issue you an access card to grant access to Level 10 lift.

Upon entering to the blood bank, was surprise to see so many donor turned up in this rainy Sunday morning, wondered if due to this is the only blood bank in west area. After filling up the registration form, then observed many donors of the same time as me were Burmese, and they came in a big group.

While donating blood,I found many Red Cross workers were Burmese, including the doctor who performed blood pressure check and the nurse perform blood test. While I observed those Red Cross workers in mobile blood donation drive were mainly Philippinos.

The workers here are friendly,I asked why this branch looks like many donors which I did not see in other branch. She told me there are many foreign workers nearby always came in group, some days Phillippinos group, some days Indian group and this time is Burmese group- they came in group of 25 people- luckily the time I reached, half of the group already on the donation desk, else gotta wait for long.

Foreign workers in Singapore not only contribute to the economy , but also contribute to the blood bank.

The scene out there was nice. The seats by the window at the refreshment area are very popular to enjoy the Jurong City scape.

And after 5 times blood donation with Singapore Red Cross, they issued you a medal as token of appreciation.

Where is Jurong East Blood Bank? 


Westgate Tower
(Jurong East MRT Station, Exit D, walk through Westgate)
1 Gateway Drive
#10-01 to 05
Singapore 608531

Opening hours:
Monday and Tuesday: 12pm to 8pm
Thursday and Friday: 12pm to 8pm
Saturday to Sunday: 10am to 5pm

Wednesday and Public Holidays: Closed
New Year Eve, Chinese New Year Eve and Christmas Day Eve: 9am to 2pm
(Unless it is on Wednesday)

Map: (credit: google map)


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